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Analysis of Electrical Energy Flow in a Battery Powered Electric Vehicle, Comparing the Economical Mode and the Normal Mode under Real Conditions

Gröper, Mirko; Riess, Christian; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan (2018)

2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power Engineering (EPE). Iasi, Romania, 18.-19.10.2018, S. 63-68.
DOI: 10.1109/ICEPE.2018.8559604


Evaluation and Quantification of the Range Extension of Battery Powered Electric Vehicles in Winter by Using a Separate Powered Heating Unit

Riess, Christian; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan; Gröper, Mirko (2018)

2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power Engineering (EPE). Iasi, Romania, 18.-19.10.2018.
DOI: 10.1109/ICEPE.2018.8559871


Range extension of electric light utility vehicles using a climate neutral energy powered air-conditioning system

Riess, Christian; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan; Haas, Sebastian (2018)

Business Meets Technology. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the University of Applied Sciences Ansbach 25th to 27th January 2018. Aachen: Shaker (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach), S. 46-49.

Heating an electric car with a biofuel operated heater during cold seasons – design, application and test

Riess, Christian; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan; Haas, Tiffany...

ACTA IMEKO 7 (4), S. 48-54.
DOI: 10.21014/acta_imeko.v7i4.578

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The automotive industry is currently undergoing far-reaching structural changes. Automobile manufacturers are pursuing intensive scientific research and technological development in the field of alternative drive systems, such as electric powertrains. If electric car batteries are charged with regenerative generated electricity, their emission output is zero (from a well-to-wheel view). Furthermore, electric drives have very high efficiency. At cold temperatures, however, the battery power drops due to energy-intensive loads, such as the heating of the passenger compartment, and this consequently reduces the range dramatically. Therefore, the focus of this research work is external energy supply for the required heat capacity. The auxiliary energy may be generated by renewable energy technologies in order to further improve the CO2 balance of electric vehicles. The paper deals with the design, application, and testing of a biofuel-operated heater to heat the passenger compartment of a battery-powered electric car (a Renault ZOE R240). The practical use of the heating system is analyzed in several test drives, performed during winter 2018. The results as well as the range extension of the electric car that can be achieved by substituting the on-board heating system by the fuel-operated heater are quantified herein.


Design for X (DFX)

Wartzack, Sandro; Meerkamm, Harald; Bauer, Stefan; Krehmer, Hartmut...

Handbuch Kostruktion, S. 463-484.
DOI: 10.3139/9783446456198.016


Potentiale zur Reichweitenerhöhung eines Serien-Elektrofahrzeuges durch die Nutzung regenerativer Energien

Haas, Tiffany; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan (2017)

Biomass to Power and Heat. Beiträge zum Fachkolloquium, 31.05-01.06.2017. Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, S. 191-203.

Increasing the driving range of electric vehicles using secondary energies - a review

Haas, Tiffany; Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan; Salceanu, Alexandru (2017)

Proceedings of the 22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing 2017. Supporting World Development Through Electrical & Electronic Measurements. Iasi, Rumania, 14.-15.09.2017. Budapest: IMEKO, S. 325-330.

Acquisition and Filtering of relevant driving parameters of electric cars

Walter, Michael S. J.; Weiherer, Stefan; Haas, Tiffany; Dao, Dac L....

Proceedings of the 22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing 2017. Supporting World Development Through Electrical & Electronic Measurements. Iasi, Rumania, 14.-15.09.2017. Budapest: IMEKO, S. 66-70.

Peer Reviewed

On Connected Tolerances in Statistical Tolerance-Cost-Optimization of Assemblies with Interrelated Dimension Chains

Heling , Björn; Aschenbrenner, Alexander; Walter, Michael S. J.; Wartzack, Sandro (2016)

Procedia CIRP 43, S. 262-267.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.031

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Identifying a suitable compromise between tight and thus expensive tolerances and wide tolerances that may negatively influence the product quality is a major challenge. This paper focuses on the tolerance-cost-optimization of mechanical assemblies with interrelated dimension chains considering dependencies between the tolerance–cost-relationships. Taking into account interrelated dimension chains the crux is, however, that modifications of a single tolerance can influence several dimension chains as well as the resulting production costs. Based on different existing approaches for the statistical tolerance-cost-optimization, the authors will provide appropriate guidance for the product developer dealing with interrelated dimension chains.


Towards a more Comprehensive Understanding of Tolerance Engineering Research Importance

Krogstie, Lars; Walter, Michael S. J.; Wartzack, Sandro; Martinsen, Kristian (2015)

Procedia CIRP 27, S. 29-34.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.04.039

Open Access

Least Cost Tolerance Allocation for Systems with Time-variant Deviations

Walter, Michael S. J.; Spruegel, Tobias; Wartzack, Sandro (2015)

Procedia CIRP 27, S. 1-9.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.04.035


Automated Point-based Tolerance Analysis Model Creation for Sheet Metal Parts

Litwa, Frank; Gottwald, Martin; Bohn, Martin; Klinger, J.F.; Walter, Michael S. J....

Procedia CIRP 27, S. 65-70.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.04.045


Berücksichtigung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Abweichungen in der statistischen Toleranzanalyse / On Interactions between Deviations in Statistical Tolerance Analysis

Walter, Michael S. J.; Spruegel, Tobias; Ziegler, Philipp; Wartzack, Sandro (2015)

Konstruktion 67 (10), S. 88-92.
DOI: 10.37544/0720-5953-2015-10-88
