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Sustainable recruitment and development of qualified professional staff at universities of applied sciences

Gröner, Patrick; Hedderich, Barbara; Dittrich, Lena (2022)

4th International Conference Business Meets Technology 2022..
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2022.2022.15529

Open Access

A Literature Review on Self-Efficacy and Stress Among University Students

Oberst, Rebecca; Hedderich, Barbara; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca (2021)

Business meets Technology. 3rd International Conference Valencia, 23rd & 24th September 2021, S. 79-86.

Open Access

The Strategic Value of Attractive Influencers for Advertising Comunication: The Influence of Parasocial Interaction Processes on the Persuasive Effect of Brand Placements

Gröner, Patrick; Hedderich, Barbara (2021)

Business meets Technology. 3rd International Conference Valencia, 23rd & 24th September 2021, S. 135-144.

Open Access

Classifying Museums by Their Use of Immersive Technologies

de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca; de-Miguel-Molina, María; Santamarina-Campos, Virginia...

Business Meets Technology 2. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the University of Applied Sciences Ansbach 3rd - 4th of July 2020. Düren: Shaker Verlag (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach), S. 56-59.

Industry 4.0 Maturity Level Modeling for SMEs

Schrandt, Julia; Hedderich, Barbara (2020)

Business Meets Technology 2. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the University of Applied Sciences Ansbach 3rd - 4th of July 2020. Düren: Shaker Verlag (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach), S. 99-102.

Strategien im Wandel: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Hinweise für eine Mikrofundierung des strategischen Managements

Gollisch, Simon; Hedderich, Barbara; Theuvsen, Ludwig (2018)

Die Unternehmung, Swiss Journal of Business and Research Practice 72 (2), S. 169-191.

Strategic Preferences of Farm Supply and Grain Elevator Businesses: Empirical Evidence from Germany

Gollisch, Simon; Hedderich, Barbara; Theuvsen, Ludwig (2018)

International Journal Food System Dynamics 9 (1), S. 54-66.


Kulturaktivitäten als Erfahrungsraum für die Entwicklung von Soft Skills – Ein studiengangübergreifendes Lehrangebot an der Hochschule Ansbach

Gaisser, Sibylle; Hedderich, Barbara (2016)

Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2016. Aachen: Shaker Verlag (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach), S. 153-168.

Teaching softskills through cultural activities. An interdisciplinary approach at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Gaisser, Sibylle; Hedderich, Barbara (2016)

INTED proceedings. International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain, 07.03-09.03.2016: IATED.