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Innovative, environmentally friendly decoating of metallised plastic products using laser technology

Sover, Alexandru; Zink, Markus (2024)

28th Edition of International Conference (IMANEE 2024), Athen, October 2024.

Innovative, environmentally friendly decoating of metallised plastic products using laser technology

Sover, Alexandru; Zink, Markus (2024)

Material Research Proceedings 46, S. 199-203 .
DOI: 10.21741/9781644903377-26

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0.

Sover, Alexandru; Bănică, C.-F.; Anghel, D-C (2024)

Applied Sciences 14, 21, S. 9919.
DOI: 10.3390/app14219919

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Multi-material Shape Memory Polymers: Design Consideration and Implementation

Sover, Alexandru; Ermolai, Vasile (2024)

International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics 2024 (15), S. 7.
DOI: 10.17683/ijomam/issue15.1

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Klein, aber fein; Wie hochpräzise additive Fertigung gelingt

Sover, Alexandru; Michalak, Martin (2024)

Plastverarbeiter 04.2024.

Open Access

Response of Secondary Structural Components of Egg White Proteins to Cold and Thermal Extremities in Water/Deuterium Oxide Mixtures

Tekiner, Ismail Hakki; Knoblauch, Anke; Sover, Alexandru; Häfner, Philipp...

Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 16, 1, S. 198-209.
DOI: 10.34302/crpjfst/2024.16.1.16

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Forschung in Franken - Zweite Chance für kontaminiertes Plastik?

Martin, Annette; Sover, Alexandru (2024)

Fränkischer Tag.

Open Access

Recycling of Laboratory Plastics Waste - a Feasibility Study on Cell Culture Flasks

Sover, Alexandru; Ermster, K.; Riess, A. K-M; Martin, Annette (2023)

Proceedings - 5th International Conference Business Meets Technology .
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16729

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Influence of Contact Interface Design over the Bond Formation of 3D Printed Parts

Ermolai, Vasile; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

Proceedings - 5th International Conference Business Meets Technology.
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16731

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Characterisation of the Cooling System Performance of Additively Manufactured Thermoforming Moulds

Sover, Alexandru; Boca, Marius-Andrei (2023)

International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE), 2024.

Characterization of Printing Conditions of Powder-Reinforced Resin by LCD Technology

Sover, Alexandru; Boca, Marius-Andrei; Slătineanu, Laurenţiu; Ermolai, Vasile (2023)

Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering 66, 5.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Influence of Storage Condition of PVC Rooftop Sheets on the Hot Air Welding Process

Michalak, Martin; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

Proceedings - 5th International Conference Business Meets Technology.
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16738

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Short Foray into the Stages of Conversion from 2.5D to 6D Printing

Boca, Marius-Andrei; Slătineanu, Laurenţiu; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

Proceedings - 5th International Conference Business Meets Technology.
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16748

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Influence of Fused Filament Fabrication Raster Parameters Over the Top Surface Topography

Ermolai, Vasile; Sover, Alexandru; Nagit, Gheorghe; Boca, Marius-Andrei...

Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering 66, 5.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Multi-material 3D Printed Interfaces. Influencing Factors and Design Considerations

Ermolai, Vasile; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE) - 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 762, S. 135-146.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-40628-7_11

Peer Reviewed

Magnetic Removal of Candida albicans Using Salivary Peptide-Functionalized SPIONs

Friedrich, Bernhard; Tietze, Rainer; Dümig, Michaela; Sover, Alexandru...

International Journal of Nanomedicine 18, S. 3231-3246.
DOI: 10.2147/ijn.s409559

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Additive Manufacturing Technology - the Bridge between Prototyping and Industry

Sover, Alexandru (2023)

6th International Conference of the Doctoral School "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași, May 17 - 19, Iași, România.

Entlackung / Entschichtung von Kunststoffprodukten

Sover, Alexandru (2023)

Vortrag auf dem 22. Treffen der regionalen Kunststoffbranche, GEKA GmbH, Weizendorf, 11. Mai 2023.

Umweltfreundliche Entlackung von Kunststoffprodukten

Sover, Alexandru (2023)

Forschungs- und Innovationstag "FIT 2023".

Characterisation of the shape memory effect of PET polymer by FFF 3D printing

Ermolai, Vasile; Sover, Alexandru; Lang, Anette (2023)

Materials Research Proceedings 28, S. 93-100.
DOI: 10.21741/9781644902479-11

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover

Hochschule Ansbach

Hochschule Ansbach - Fakultät Technik
Residenzstr. 8
91522 Ansbach

T 0981 4877-527