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Cost Function Approach for Dynamical Component Analysis: Full Recovery of Mixing and State Matrix

Hüper, Knut; Schlarb, Markus; Uhl, Christian (2024)

Automation 2024, Advances on Automatic Control and Soft Computing von der 15. APCA International Conference CONTROLO'2022 2024, 5(3), S. 360-372.
DOI: 10.3390/automation5030022

Open Access Peer Reviewed

A reformulation of the dynamical component analysis (DyCA) via an optimization-free approach is presented. The original cost function approach is converted into a numerical linear algebra problem, i.e., the computation of coupled singular-value decompositions. A simple algorithm is presented together with numerical experiments to document the feasability of the approach. This methodology is able to recover the mixing and state matrices of multivariate signals from high-dimensional measured data fully.


Signal analysis and classification of interictal epileptiform discharges from EEG with machine learning

Stiehl, Annika; Geißelsöder, Stefan; Anselstetter, Fabienne; Bornfleth, Harald...

BMT 2023, 26.09. - 28.09.2023, Duisburg.
DOI: 10.1515/bmte-2023-2001

Peer Reviewed

Topological Analysis of Low Dimensional Phase Space Trajectories of High Dimensional EEG Signals For Classification of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges

Stiehl, Annika; Flammer, M; Anselstetter, Fabienne; Ille, Nicole; Bornfleth, Harald...

2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW), Rhodes Island, Greece, S. 1-5.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSPW59220.2023.10193167

Peer Reviewed

Robust Dynamical Component Analysis and its Application on Epileptic EEG and Motion Sense Data

Warmuth, Monika; Romberger, Philipp; Uhl, Christian; Hüper, Knut (2022)

Proceedings of the Workshop Biosignal 2022, August 24th - 26th, Dresden.

A Matrix Formulation of Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Romberger, Philipp; Warmuth, Monika; Uhl, Christian; Hüper, Knut (2022)

Proceedings of the Workshop Biosignal 2022, August 24th - 26th, Dresden .

Different montages and dimension reduction methods for EEG signal analysis of Interictal Epileptic Discharges

Stiehl, Annika; Anselstetter, Fabienne; Ille, Nicole; Bornfleth, Harald...

Abstracts of the 2022 Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian (ÖGBMT), German (VDE DGBMT) and Swiss (SSBE)Societies for Biomedical Engineering 67 (S1), S. 88.
DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2022-2001

Open Access

Dimension reduction methods, persistent homology ans machine learning for EEG signal analysis of Interictal Epileptic Discharges

Stiehl, Annika; Geißelsöder, Stefan; Ille, Nicole; Anselstetter, Fabienne...

Proceedings of the Workshop Biosignale 2022 (24. - 26.08.2022).

Identification of Low-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamics from High-Dimensional Simulated and Real-World Data

Paglia, Chiara; Stiehl, Annika; Uhl, Christian (2022)

CONTROLO 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 930, Springer, Cham, S. 205-213.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10047-5_18


Dynamical Component Analysis: Matrix Case and Differential Geometric Point of View

Romberger, Philipp; Warmuth, Monika; Uhl, Christian; Hüper, Knut (2022)

CONTROLO 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 930. Springer, Cham, S. 385-394.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10047-5_34


Dynamical Component Analysis: Updated and improved algorithm, applications, and limitations

Warmuth, Monika; Romberger, Philipp; Hüper, Knut; Uhl, Christian (2022)

ITISE 2022, 27. - 30.06.2022, Gran Canaria, Spanien.

A Comparative Study of Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) and Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Kern, Moritz; Uhl, Christian; Warmuth, Monika (2021)

CONTROLO 2020. Proceedings of the 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, July 1-3, 2020, Bragança, Portugal 14, S. 93-103.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58653-9_9


Dimension Reduction: from Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Frühauf, Christine; Kern, Moritz; Korn, Katharina; Uhl, Christian (2020)

Ute Ambrosius und Patrick Gröner (Hg.): Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2020. Düren: Shaker Verlag (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach), S. 192-209.

Determinismus-Test von niedrigdimensionalen Signalen eingebettet in hochdimensionalen multivariaten Zeitreihen: Anwendung auf EEG-Daten

Frühauf, Christine; Hartmann, Steffen; Seifert, Bastian; Uhl, Christian (2020)

Workshop Biosignale 2020, Kiel, 11.03.2020.

Dimensionsreduktion von EEG-Daten mit Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Kern, Moritz; Korn, Katharina; Uhl, Christian (2020)

Workshop Biosignale 2020. Kiel, 11.03.2020.

Editorial: Recurrence Analysis of Complex Systems Dynamics

beim Graben, Peter; Hutt, Axel; Marwan, Norbert; Uhl, Christian; Webber, Charles (2020)

Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 6.
DOI: 10.3389/fams.2020.00033

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Determinism Testing of Low-Dimensional Signals Embedded in High-Dimensional Multivariate Time Series

Frühauf, Christine; Hartmann, Steffen; Seifert, Bastian; Uhl, Christian (2020)

Chaos and Complex Systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium. Berlin: Springer Nature 5, S. 3-14.

Subspace Detection and Blind Source Separation of Multivariate Signals by Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Uhl, Christian; Kern, Moritz; Warmuth, Monika; Seifert, Bastian (2020)

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Process 1, S. 230-241.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Dimension reduction methods: Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Dynamical Systems Based Modeling (DSBM) and Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Frühauf, Christine; Kern, Moritz; Korn, Katharina; Uhl, Christian (2020)

Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2020. Düren: Shaker Verlag (campus_edition Hochschule Ansbach) 2020, S. 192-209.

Open Access

Application of DSBM to EEG-Data of epileptic seizures

Uhl, Christian (2019)

Workshop on Applied Mathematics - Dynamical Systems. IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center. Technical University of Ostrava, 01.10.2019..

Dimension reduction methods: Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Dynamical Systems Based Modeling (DSBM) and Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA)

Uhl, Christian (2019)

Workshop on Applied Mathematics - Dynamical Systems. IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center. Technical University of Ostrava, 01.10.2019.

Prof. Dr. Christian Uhl

Hochschule Ansbach

Hochschule Ansbach - Fakultät Technik
Residenzstr. 8
91522 Ansbach

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