This paper evaluates how a reform relaxing regulations of the temporary helpservice sector in Germany affected job satisfaction of male temporary agencyworkers. We isolate the causal effect of this reform by combining a difference-in-difference and matching approach using rich survey data. Wefind that the regula-tory change substantially decreased agency workers’job satisfaction while leavingregular workers’job satisfaction unchanged. Further analysis reveals that thenegative effect on agency workers’job satisfaction can be attributed to a decreasein wages and an increase in perceived job insecurity. These results are robust tothe use of different specifications and placebo tests.
Titel | Do changes in regulation affect temporary agency workers' job satisfaction? |
Medien | Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society |
Verlag | --- |
Heft | 3 |
Band | 2017 |
ISBN | --- |
Verfasser/Herausgeber | Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christine Dauth, Henna Busk, Elke Jutta Jahn |
Seiten | 514-544 |
Veröffentlichungsdatum | 08.06.2017 |
Projekttitel | --- |
Zitation | Dauth, Christine M.; Busk, Henna; Jahn, Elke Jutta (2017): Do changes in regulation affect temporary agency workers' job satisfaction? Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 2017, 56 (3), S. 514-544. DOI: 10.1111/irel.12184 |