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Continuing vocational training in times of economic uncertainty - An event-study analysis in real time

Dauth, Christine M.; Lang, Julia (2024)

Journal for Labour Market Research.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Umdenken beim Verkauf von Business-to-Business-Lösungen: Integration von Marketing, Vertrieb und Customer Success Management

Durst, Carolin; Pöppelbuß, Jens (2024)

HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024, 61 (3).
DOI: 10.1365/s40702-024-01089-w

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Real-Time Data Integration in an Operation-Independent Simulation Model Using a Smart Grid Approach

Stromberger, Julian; Dettelbacher, Johannes; Buchele, Alexander (2024)

Conference on Applied Research in Engineering Sciences 2024, Nürnberg 2024.


This study describes the development of an operation-independent simulation model for an electrified die-casting foundry that uses a smart grid system to meet its energy needs. The model uses real weather and stock exchange electricity price data for the simulation period. The model can be used to determine and compare the cost of electricity for production at a given time (time of day and season) as well as the economics of different PV system and electricity storage options. It is also possible to analyze the share of different energy sources for each configuration. This can be done for sites throughout Germany. In addition, exemplary simulation studies are presented in this paper which demonstrate the wide range of applications of the model. The results provide an initial overview of the potential for savings and optimization. In the future, the model will provide a basis for determining optimum plant layouts and production times by means of simulation-based optimization.

Community-Led Growth als Markteintrittsstrategie für Software-Startups im B2B-Umfeld

Grimm, Ramona; Durst, Carolin (2024)

HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024, 61 (3).
DOI: 10.1365/s40702-024-01076-1

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Die Corona-Pandemie als Game Changer der (Online-)Lehre. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Hochschule Ansbach.

Diener, Florian; Gerner, Verena; Kätzel, Charlotte (2024)

Digitale Transformation in der Bildung – Digital Change Summit 2022. Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden 2024, S. 75 - 92.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-44525-6


KI-basierte Sprachmodelle in der Lehre: Question-Generation-Modelle zur Messung des Lernfortschrittes von Studierenden

Woldai, Betiel ; Schacht, Sigurd; Kamath Barkur, Sudarshan (2024)

Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre - Sonderausgabe zur TURN23.

Open Access

Unveiling the Influence: Corporate Influencers and Employer Branding in the Skilled Trades Industry

Klopf, Vanessa; Durst, Carolin (2024)

Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2024 2024, 11 (1).
DOI: 10.34190/ecsm.11.1.2137

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The skilled trade industry is a significant driving force for the development and prosperity of society and constitutes the backbone of the German economy with its small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently, waiting times for craftsmen stand at approximately three months. This trend is on the rise due to the continued and severe shortage of apprentices and skilled workers. Potential trainees are representatives of Generation Z and best reached through social media channels. Consequently, many companies deliberately utilize corporate influencers in employer branding efforts to win young talents. Corporate influencers have the ability to present specifically job-related content and offer more authentic insights into the daily work environment. However, do they genuinely influence the career preferences of potential trainees? The aim of this study is to investigate if and to what extent corporate influencer influence the perception of the skilled trades industry and career preferences of potential applicants. To investigate the impact of corporate influencers on the perception of the skilled trade industry and the respective career preferences of potential applicants, we conducted a study with 66 students from a secondary school in Germany. (1) First, we measured the perception of the skilled trades industry and career preferences of the participants. (2) Then we exposed them to previously selected content of two corporate influencers from the skilled trades sector. (3) After the exposure, we measured the perception of the skilled trades industry and career preferences of the participants again. For the statistical analysis we used regression analyses and T-tests. The findings of the study show that corporate influencer on social media positively influenced both, the perception of the skilled trades industry and the career preferences of potential applicants. Particularly, insights into daily work routines prove to be effective. Simultaneously, the study reveals that the employer attractiveness of the skilled trades industry in general significantly influences the perception of the industry and enhances applicants' interest in craft professions.


Using Bayesian Regularized Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Tensile Strength of Additively Manufactured Polylactic Acid Parts

Vendittoli, Valentina; Polini, Wilma; Walter, Michael S. J.; Geißelsöder, Stefan (2024)

Applied Sciences 14, 3184 (8).
DOI: 10.3390/app14083184

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Additive manufacturing has transformed the production process by enabling the construction of components in a layer-by-layer approach. This study integrates Artificial Neural Networks to explore the nuanced relationship between process parameters and mechanical performance in Fused Filament Fabrication. Using a fractional Taguchi design, seven key process parameters are systematically varied to provide a robust dataset for model training. The resulting model confirms its accuracy in predicting tensile strength. In particular, the mean squared error is 0.002, and the mean absolute error is 0.024. These results significantly advance the understanding of 3D manufactured parts, shedding light on the intricate dynamics between process nuances and mechanical outcomes. Furthermore, they underscore the transformative role of machine learning in precision-driven quality prediction and optimization in additive manufacturing.


Mapping the organizational socialization and onboarding literature: a bibliometric analysis of the field

Didion, Eva; Perello-Marin, M. Rosario; Catalá, Daniel; Ambrosius, Ute (2024)

Cogent Business & Management 11, 1.
DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2024.2337957

Open Access Peer Reviewed

This study provides a comprehensive review of the intellectual structure and current dynamics of onboarding and socialization research. Using the Web of Science (WoS) database, we found 452 research articles that met the inclusion criteria. Biblioshiny R-package and VOSviewer were used for the bibliometric analysis. We lay out the most prolific authors, journals, institutions and articles in this rapidly growing field. We find that current research is scattered all over different topics and disciplines. We identify five research fronts that authors have pursued in the last 5 years. Researchers have focused on: psychological contracts; the role of networks and relationship building; the changing work contexts in which organizational socialization takes place; the effects of newcomer proactivity and interactions with supervisors; onboarding in distinct areas like software engineering. Promising research avenues in this field can be distinguished in: different groups of newcomers; examining interactive effects between newcomers and socialization agents; and analyzing the evolving area of digital and virtual onboarding and organizational socialization.


Rheological Analysis and Evaluation of Measurement Techniques for the Curing Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement in Vertebroplasty

Boger, Andreas; Trivedi, Zubin; Wychowaniec, Jacek; Gehweiler, Dominic...

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering Manuscript ID: ab-2024-00417d.R1.

Peer Reviewed

Digitale Kompetenzen zum Studienstart als Gelingensfaktor im ersten Semester?

Händel, Marion; Fritzsche, Eva; Bedenlier, Svenja (2024)

Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 19 (1), S. 25-43.
DOI: 10.21240/zfhe/19-01/02

Open Access Peer Reviewed

KI-basierte Textkreation im Content Marketing: Design und Evaluation eines effektiven Prompts

Steinmann, Nadine; Piazza, Alexander (2024)

HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024.
DOI: 10.1365/s40702-024-01058-3

Peer Reviewed

Die Herausforderung beim Einsatz von generativer Text-KI, wie ChatGPT, besteht darin, die Potenziale effizient zu nutzen und im Hinblick auf die Erreichung von Qualitätszielen optimal einzusetzen. Dabei ist die menschliche Eingabe in die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) – der Prompt – entscheidend. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, wie die KI-basierte Textausgabe bei ChatGPT durch Prompt Engineering gezielt gesteuert werden kann, damit die Textqualität der generativen KI den Erfolgskriterien für Content Marketing Texte entspricht. Die Ergebnisse identifizieren eine effektive Prompt-Struktur für qualitativ hochwertige Content Marketing Texte mit ChatGPT. Insbesondere das Zero-shot Chain-of-Thought und das One-shot bzw. Few-shot Prompting erweisen sich als erfolgreich, da diese Techniken eine gezielte Steuerung des ChatGPT-Outputs in Richtung der Erfolgskriterien ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus werden die aktuellen Schwächen von KI-generierten Texten beschrieben. Dabei werden auch die Grenzen von ChatGPT deutlich, die durch eine kollaborative Wertschöpfung von Mensch und KI zur gemeinsamen Erreichung von Qualitätszielen überwunden werden können. Die theoretisch und praktisch fundierten Ergebnisse und Implikationen der Untersuchung bieten eine Orientierungshilfe für Content Marketer zur effizienten Nutzung von ChatGPT.


Digitale Kommunikation und Kollaboration: Eine Bedarfsanalyse zur kollegialen Nutzung von Videokonferenzen in der Schule

Malz, Simone; Biller, Simon ; Händel, Marion (2024)

11. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Potsdam.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Evaluating Methods of Visual Assistance for Workers to Improve Quality and Usability in Individualized Kitchen Cabinet Assembly

Eff, Albert; Walter, Michael S. J. (2024)

Journal of Computer and Communications 12 (2), S. 156-172.
DOI: 10.4236/jcc.2024.122010

Open Access Peer Reviewed

In times of digitalisation, visual assistance systems in assembly are increasingly important. The design of these assembly systems needs to be highly complex to meet the requirements. Due to the increasing number of variants in production processes, as well as shorter innovation and product life cycles, assistance systems should improve quality and reduce complexity of assembly processes. However, many large kitchen manufacturers still assemble kitchen cabinets manually, due to the high variety of components, such as rails and fittings. This paper focuses on the analysis and evaluation of virtual assistance systems to improve quality and usability in individualised kitchen cabinet assembly processes at a large German manufacturer. A solution is identified and detailed.


Magenta: Metrics and Evaluation Framework for Generative Agents based on LLMs

Kamath Barkur, Sudarshan ; Schacht, Sigurd (2024)

In: Tareq Ahram, Waldemar Karwowski, Dario Russo and Giuseppe Di Bucchianico (eds) Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2024): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 119. AHFE International, USA..
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004478

Open Access

Biomimicry Technology and Design through Microalgae for Bio-Based Sustainability

Yalcin, Dilek; Tekiner, Ismail Hakki; Knoblauch, Anke; Akbar, Samra (2024)


Peer Reviewed

Technologietransfer im ZIM-Netzwerk „Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz in der Gießerei-Industrie“ (DigiGuss)

Buchele, Alexander (2024)

23. Druckgusstag; Verband Deutscher Druckgießereien (VDD), Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie (BDG), Nürnberg.

Peer Reviewed

Eingliederungszuschüsse für Arbeitslose wirken als Sprungbrett in den allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt

Dauth, Christine M.; Bernhard, Sarah (2024)

IAB-Forum 15. Januar 2024, 2024.
DOI: 10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240115.01

Open Access

Response of Secondary Structural Components of Egg White Proteins to Cold and Thermal Extremities in Water/Deuterium Oxide Mixtures

Tekiner, Ismail Hakki; Knoblauch, Anke; Sover, Alexandru; Häfner, Philipp...

Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 16(1) 2024, S. 198-209.
DOI: 10.34302/crpjfst/2024.16.1.16

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Fremdsprachenunterricht im digitalen Lernraum: Internationalisierung zu Hause

Gebhard, Christian Alexander (2024)

Medien-Räume. Eröffnen – Gestalten – Vermitteln. 1. Auflage, Springer, Wiesbaden. 2024, eBook ISBN 978-3-658-43047-4, S. 61-82.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-43047-4

Peer Reviewed

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