Responsive image

Windenergie in komplexem Gelände

Buchele, Alexander (2023)

EnCN-Jahreskonferenz 2023, Nürnberg.

Characterisation of the Cooling System Performance of Additively Manufactured Thermoforming Moulds

Sover, Alexandru; Boca, Marius-Andrei (2023)

International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE), 2024.

Characterization of Printing Conditions of Powder-Reinforced Resin by LCD Technology

Sover, Alexandru; Boca, Marius-Andrei; Slătineanu, Laurenţiu; Ermolai, Vasile (2023)

Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering [online], 66.5 (2023),

Peer Reviewed

A Qualitative Evaluation of an AI-Based Study Progress Forecast.

Kamath Barkur, Sudarshan ; Fersch, Mascha-Lea; Henne, Sophie ; Schacht, Sigurd...

In: Schlippe, T., Cheng, E.C.K., Wang, T. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices. AIET 2023. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 190. Springer, Singapore .
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7947-9_1

Peer Reviewed

Goldmedaille der Erfindermesse iENA für die Erfindung „BioSpalt“

Reimann, Hans-Achim; Häfner, Philipp (2023)

eENA 2023 - Internationale Fachmesse Ideen • Erfindungen • Neuheiten.

Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz

Fehr, Stefanie (2023)

Jahrestagung der Innen Revision der Studierendenwerke, 08.11.2023.

Das Imageproblem des DFB

Wiske, Jana (2023)


Der DFB hat ein Imageproblem - jetzt auch empirisch belegt

Wiske, Jana (2023)

Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte maskuliner Körperdarstellungen im Spiegel der Medien.

Diener, Florian (2023)

In B. Richter, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Hrsg.), Talking Bodies – Image, Power, Impact. Lars Müller Publishers. 2023, S. 35 - 48.

Präsentation und Diskussion Studienergebnisse "Wir sind Fußball" (1. Welle) mit Verantwortlichen des DFB in Frankfurt

Die Ergebnisse der Befragung 2023 sind hier abrufbar:

Open Access

Aktuelle Studie enthüllt umfangreiches Pflichtenheft für den DFB.

Wiske, Jana (2023)

Frankfurter Rundschau.

Learnings of the EQS Supply Chain Survey

Fehr, Stefanie (2023)

Vortrag auf der European Compliance and Ethics Conference am 17.10.2023.

Influence of Storage Condition of PVC Rooftop Sheets on the Hot Air Welding Process

Michalak, Martin; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

5. International Conference Business Meets Technology 2023, Valencia (to be published).
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16738

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Short Foray into the Stages of Conversion from 2.5D to 6D Printing

Boca, Marius-Andrei; Slătineanu, Laurenţiu; Sover, Alexandru (2023)

5. International Conference Business Meets Technology 2023, Valencia (to be published).
DOI: 10.4995/BMT2023.2023.16748

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Breaking the Silence: Investigating Which Types of Moderation Reduce Negative Effects of Sexist Social Media Content

Sasse, Julia; Grossklags, Jens (2023)

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7, Issue CSCW2, 327, S. 1-26.
DOI: 10.1145/3610176

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Für MINT begeistern – Interesse wecken und Berührungsängste abbauen durch das Ansbacher Modell

Gaisser, Sibylle; Knoblauch, Anke; Martin, Annette (2023)

Tagungsband zum 5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern, Nürnberg, S. 18-24.


Understanding Organizational Knowledge Loss (OKL): A Bibliometric Analysis

Lorenz, Joachim; Perello-Marin, M. Rosario; Carrascosa-Lopez, Conrado...

24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Lissabon, Portugal, 07.09. - 08.09.23, S. 1709-1713.
DOI: 10.34190/eckm.24.2.1231


Ontology Definition for University Knowledge Graph

Woldai, Betiel ; Kamath Barkur, Sudarshan ; Henne, Sophie ; Schacht, Sigurd...

The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings.
DOI: 10.22492/issn.2435-9467.2023.69

Open Access

Finding the required information to succeed in the organisation of everyday study life is not always easy for a student. Ontologies are an instrument to define a domain by illustrating its concepts and thereby presenting knowledge in a structured way. In this paper, our aim is to design an ontology that is suitable for the higher education environment of a German university to build a Knowledge Graph for a conversational AI. As a research context, the Ansbach University of Applied Science is used. The paper is organised into five sections. After a brief introduction in Section 1, Section 2 reviews previous work of conducted ontologies within the higher education environment, whereas Section 3 outlines the methodology for developing the ontology and presents the final result. The development procedure is thereby partly based on the ontology framework provided by Stanford University (Noy & McGuinness, 2001). The presented ontology, which delivers possible classes for the development, and transferability to other universities will then be discussed in Section 4. Finally, the conclusion and approaches for future work with ensuring a constant up-to-dateness of the classes are given in Section 5.


Signal analysis and classification of interictal epileptiform discharges from EEG with machine learning

Stiehl, Annika; Geißelsöder, Stefan; Anselstetter, Fabienne; Bornfleth, Harald...

BMT 2023, 26.09. - 28.09.2023, Duisburg.
DOI: 10.1515/bmte-2023-2001

Peer Reviewed

Podiumsdiskussion "Dekarbonisierung der Wärmeversorgung der Erlanger Stadtwerke"

Buchele, Alexander (2023)

Veranstaltung des Energiewende ER(H)langen e.V., 2023, Erlangen.

Servicestelle für Forschung und Transfer (SFT)

Hochschule Ansbach

Residenzstr. 8
91522 Ansbach

Betreuung der Publikationsseiten

Iris Boyny

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