Responsive image

Return on Value-System (ROV) - wertsystemorientierte Unternehmensführung

Müller, Jochem (1999)

krp - Kostenrechnungspraxis, Zeitschrift für Controlling, Accounting & System-Anwendungen 43 (2), S. 109-114.

Analysis of Neurophysiological Brain Functioning

Uhl, Christian (1999)

Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer (Springer Series in Synergetics).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-60007-4


Spatio-temporal Modeling Based on Dynamical Systems Theory

Uhl, Christian; Friedrich, Rudolf (1999)

Analysis of Neurophysiological Brain Functioning. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer (Springer Series in Synergetics), S. 274-305.

Multimedia system for remote diagnosis of complex placement machines

Göhringer, Jürgen (1998)

Proceedings of the V International Conference on Monitoring an Automatic Supervision in Manufacturing 1998.

Peer Reviewed

A New Concept for EEG/MEG Signal Analysis: Detection of Interacting Spatial Modes

Uhl, Christian; Kruggel, Frithjof; Opitz, Bertram; von Cramon, Yves D. (1998)

Human Brain Mapping 6 (3), S. 137-149.


Spatio-temporal analysis of human electroencephalograms: Petit-mal epilepsy

Friedrich, Rudolf; Uhl, Christian (1996)

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 98 (1), S. 171-182.
DOI: 10.1016/0167-2789(96)00059-0

Peer Reviewed

A general approach for cloning and characterizing dNDP-glucose dehydratase genes from actinomycetes

Decker, Heiner; Gaisser, Sibylle; Pelzer, Stefan; Schneider, Peter; Westrich, Lucia...

FEMS Microbiology Letters 141 (2), S. 195-201.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6968.1996.tb08384.x


Oligonucleotide primers were designed and successfully applied to amplify DNA fragments of dNDP-glucose dehydratase genes from actinomycete species producing natural compounds which contain deoxysugar moieties. The deduced amino acid sequence of the isolated fragments revealed similarity to known dNDP-glucose dehydratases. A phylogeny for the deduced proteins of the obtained fragments and for dNDP-glucose dehydratases described in the data bases was constructed. dNDP-glucose dehydratases from actinomycetes were more related to each other than to dehydratases from species of other orders. The phylogenetic analysis also revealed a close relation between dehydratases from strains producing natural compounds with similar deoxysugar moieties.


Analysis of spatiotemporal signals of complex systems

Uhl, Christian; Friedrich, Rudolf; Haken, Hermann (1995)

Physical Review E 51 (5), S. 3890-3900.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.51.3890

Peer Reviewed

Analyse raumzeitlicher Daten strukturbildender Systeme

Uhl, Christian (1995)

Aachen: Shaker Verlag.

Reconstruction of spatio-temporal signals of complex systems

Uhl, Christian; Friedrich, Rudolf; Haken, Hermann (1993)

Z. Physik B - Condensed Matter 92 (2), S. 211-219.
DOI: 10.1007/BF01312180

Peer Reviewed

Decarbonizing Municipal Utlites: A Strategy for Achieving CO2-Neutrality by 2035

Hofmann, Gerd; Haupt, Thomas; Jungwirth, Johannes (12)

Vortrag auf der 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, September 2023.


Municipal utilities (so-called Stadtwerke) play a crucial role in terms of the decentral Energiewende in Germany. The national way to accomplish the energy transition with a massive expansion of renewables requires local actors to participate actively. Thus, we developed a decarbonization strategy to supply a 12.000+ municipality CO2-neutral till 2035. This considered that the influence of the municipal utility is limited to its own electricity and natural gas grid as well as municipal buildings and vehicles.

Our study focused on the optimal expansion of sustainable energy generation coupled with short- and long-term storage options and transformation of consumption (mobility, power-to-heat, power-to-gas) of the existing local distribution grids. We aimed for a high autarky respecting long-term economic efficiency and high self-consumption of renewables. Natural gas should be replaced by alternatives as far as economically possible.

Energy consumption was determined and separated into domestic, commercial, and industrial and together with hourly generation profiles from existing renewables used to remodel the known annual consumption. Likewise, the hourly generation profiles from existing renewables were considered. The resulting degree of self-sufficiency (e.g., physical autarky) and annual share of renewable energy (accounting self-consumption) was calculated.

From this status quo, we developed future scenarios to answer the following questions:

·         What impact will the transformation to power-to-heat and electromobility have on the electricity demand up to 2035?

·         How do the parameters self-consumption and self-sufficiency behave for the respective expansion of the technologies PV systems, wind turbines and battery storages?

·         What is the techno-economic optimal combination of PV systems, wind energy systems and battery storage and what is the potential for hydrogen?

·         In what way does the injection of biogas and hydrogen affect the electricity and natural gas grids?

Based on the load and generation profiles, we have adjusted the type and scope of the technologies used. Thereby, the local conditions were again considered to only implement feasible concepts. A techno-economic analysis was carried out to plan an optimal transformation.

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