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Flexible Materialfluss- und Energiesimulation im Kontext von Industrie 4.0

Buswell, Andreas; Schlüter, Wolfgang (2018)

ASIM 2018 - 24. Symposium Simulationstechnik. Hamburg, 04.10.2018.

Optimierung der Methanflussrate in Biogasanlagen mithilfe des Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1)

Wagner, David; Schlüter, Wolfgang (2018)

ASIM 2018 - 24. Symposium Simulationstechnik. Hamburg, 04.10.2018.

Popular and smart? A cross-cultural study of students’ perspectives on their peers

Händel, Marion; Duan, Xiaoju; Vialle, Wilma (2018)

Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 60 (4), S. 429-449.

Peer Reviewed

Automatisierungstechnische Anforderungen bei der Durchführung von Energiereffizienzmaßnahmen in der NE-Schmelz- und Druckgussindustrie

Schlüter, Wolfgang (2018)

Gießerei 4.0 in der Praxis - 3. Symposium der VDG-Akademie. Düsseldorf, 21.09.2018.

Wie populistisch tweeten unser Politiker? – Eine Data-Mining-Studie

Sauer, Sebastian (2018)

51. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Frankfurt, 15.-20.09.2018.

Intelligente Biogasanlagen im regionalen Raum

Gröper, Mirko; Bartsch, Anja (2018)

BayWISS-Verbundkolleg "Energie": 2. Netzwerktreffen. Bayerisches Wissenschaftsforum. Waischenfeld, 20.09.2018.

Prädiktoren des AfD-Wahlerfolgs bei der Bundestagswahl 2017

Sauer, Sebastian (2018)

51. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Frankfurt, 20.09.2018.

Reproduzierbares Schreiben in der Wissenschaft am Beispiel des Buchprojekts „Moderne Datenanalyse mit R“

Sauer, Sebastian (2018)

51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt, 18.09.2020.

Model Output Statistics for Point Forecasts at Deutscher Wetterdienst: Current Status and Future Developments

Veira, Andreas; Hess, Reinhold; Trepte, Sebastian; Vogt, Gernot; Reichert, Bernhard (2018)

EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Dublin, 04.09.2018.

Model-driven dimensionality reduction of epileptic EEG data

Adamski, Dennis; Hartmann, Steffen; Seifert, Bastian; Uhl, Christian (2018)

BMT 2018 - 52nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT within VDE), 26.09.2018 - 28.09.2018 Aachen.

What do second-order judgments tell us about low-performing students’ metacognitive awareness?

Fritzsche, Eva S.; Händel, Marion; Kröner, Stephan (2018)

Metacognition Learning 13, S. 159-177.
DOI: 10.1007/s11409-018-9182-9

Peer Reviewed

Emotionalizing e-Commerce Pages: Empirical Evaluation of Design Strategies for Increasing the Affective Customer Response

Piazza, Alexander; Lutz, Corinna; Schuckay, Daniela; Zagel, Christian...

In: Ahram, T. (eds) Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Software and Systems Engineering. AHFE 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 787. Springer, Cham 787, S. 252-263.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94229-2_24

Peer Reviewed

The interdisciplinary research of neuromarketing shows that the conscious and rational consumer is only an illusion, whereas emotions have a significant influence on consumer behavior. Therefore, this study examines the effect of emotionalized e-com pages on visitors’ emotions as well as on their behavioral intention in hedonic situations. Three landing pages are conceptualized using diverse techniques of emotional boosting along with different procedures of triggering distinct levels of neuronal activity. The impact of these landing pages is examined in an online survey, generating a sample of 391 participants. The resulting dataset is analyzed by using structural equation modeling to test the proposed hypotheses. The results confirm that emotions can be triggered only by seeing a landing page of an e-com store and that these emotions influence the behavioral intentions. Additionally, the study shows a moderating effect of long-term involvement and mood and provides recommendations for appropriate and well-designed websites.


Development of an integrated method to optimize the energy supply system of the campus Garching by using parametric heat-load profiles

Matschi, Christoph ; Schweiger, Benedikt; Nemeth, Isabell (2018)

8th Colloquium of the Munich School of Engeneering. München.


E|Melt: Simulation-driven examination of energy efficiency measures inside non-ferrous melting and die-casting plants

Buswell, Andreas; Schlüter, Wolfgang (2018)

iSEnEC – Integration of Sustainable Energy Expo & Conference. Nürnberg, 17.07.2018.

Smart Melting: Increasing Efficiency in Non-ferrous Melting and Die-casting Plants through Incident Management

Müller, Stefan; Schlüter, Wolfgang (2018)

iSEnEC – Integration of Sustainable Energy Expo & Conference. Nürnberg, 17.07.2018.

Testing for Shilnikov Behavior in Epileptic Seizure with Dynamical Systems Based Modeling

Adamski, Dennis (2018)

Applied Research Conference - ARC 2018. Deggendorf, 10.07.2018.

Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA) applied to simulated data of strange attractors

Hartmann, Steffen (2018)

Applied Research Conference - ARC 2018. Deggendorf, 10.07.2018.

Dynamical component analysis applied on EEG data of patients with epileptic seizures

Korn, Katharina (2018)

Applied Research Conference - ARC 2018. Deggendorf, 10.07.2018.

Marine Plastic Pollution in the Media: A Survey on German Daily Newspapers 2007 - 2017

Walter, Ismeni; Hoffmann, Chantal (2018)

MICRO 2018. Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions. Conference Proceedings. MICRO 2018. Lanzarote, 19.-23.11.2018: MSFS-RBLZ, S. 196-197.

Reporting on Microplastic in the Marine Environment: Does Coverage in German Print Media meet the Standards of Quality Journalism?

Walter, Ismeni; Hoffmann, Chantal (2018)

MICRO 2018. Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions. Conference Proceedings. MICRO 2018. Lanzarote, 19.-23.11.2018: MSFS-RBLZ, S. 310-311.

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