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Simulation-Based Analysis of Production Flexibility in Foundries Under Volatile Electricity Prices

Dettelbacher, Johannes; Buchele, Alexander (2024)

Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference.

Peer Reviewed

Professionelle Sportkommunikation

Wiske, Jana (2024)

Bedarf an digitaler Lehrkräftefortbildung aus der Perspektive von Landesinstituten

Ortwig, Julia; Breins, B; Quarda, Ann-Kathrin; Gläser-Zikuda, Michaela; Kammerl, Rudolf...

lernen:digital-Tagung „Digitale Transformation für Schule und die Lehrkräftebildung gestalten“ in Potsdam.

Peer Reviewed

Aufbruch beim DFB? Wahrnehmung und Erwartungshaltung 100 relevanter Stakeholder

Wiske, Jana (2024)

Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Mediensport und Sportkommunikation in Hamburg.

Peer Reviewed

Motiviert zum Erfolg testen? Motivation als Moderator und abhängige Variable von Testeffekten im Lehramtsstudium

Naujoks-Schober, Nick ; Harder, Bettina; Dresel, Markus; Händel, Marion (2024)

53. Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Wien, Österreich.

Peer Reviewed

OPTOkopter - a flying anometer and Application of OPTOkopter measurements in research projects WINDbreaks and WINDforest

Thielicke, William; Buchele, Alexander (2024)

20 Jahre Windenergieforschung und Ausbildung, Stuttgarter Lehrstuhl für Windenergie (SWE), Uni Stuttgart 2024.

Unraveling the reciprocal effects of monitoring strategies and monitoring judgments

Händel, Marion; Nett, Ulrike; Bryce, Donna; Dresel, Markus (2024)

Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 – Metacognition. Heidelberg.

Peer Reviewed

Ways to foster monitoring accuracy: Effects of generative interventions on self-regulated learning (Discussant)

Händel, Marion (2024)

Symposium at the biennial meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 – Metacognition.

Peer Reviewed

Tolerances in Mechanisms

Husch, Julia; Walter, Michael S. J. (2024)

In: Wartzack, S. (eds) Research in Tolerancing. Cham: Springer. 2024, S. 65-99.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-64225-8_4


In this chapter, an overview is given of the research work during the years 2007 until 2016 in the field of tolerance analysis, optimization and synthesis of mechanisms ([11] and [17]). At the beginning, the challenges related to mechanisms are highlighted, especially the time-dependent behaviour of a mechanism during its operation and the different kinds of deviation occuring during the production and the operation of the mechanism. After that, the integrated approach for the statistical tolerance analysis of mechanisms is described. This approach is then enlarged to a complete tolerance analysis, optimization and synthesis approach before its applicability is demonstrated in a case study. The chapter will end with a summary.


Implementierung eines Smart Grids in ein betriebsunabhängiges Simulationsmodell

Stromberger, Julian; Dettelbacher, Johannes; Buchele, Alexander (2024)

Tagungsband Langbeiträge ASIM SST 2024, 27. ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik, 4.9.-6.9.2024, Universität der Bundeswehr München 2024, S. 61-65.
DOI: 10.11128/arep.47.a4734

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Diese Studie beschreibt die Entwicklung eines betriebsunabhängigen Simulationsmodells für elektrifizierte Druckgießereien, die ihren Energiebedarf mit Hilfe eines Smart Grid Systems decken. Das Modell verwendet reale Wetter- und Börsenstrompreisdaten für den Simulationszeitraum. Mit Hilfe des Modells können die Stromkosten für eine Produktion zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt (Tages- und Jahreszeit) sowie die Wirtschaftlichkeit verschiedener PV-Anlagen- und Stromspeichervarianten ermittelt und verglichen werden. Zudem ermöglicht es die Untersuchung des Anteils der verschiedenen Energieträger für die jeweilige Konfiguration. Dies kann mit Hilfe des Modells für Standorte in ganz Deutschland durchgeführt werden. Darüber hinaus werden in dieser Arbeit beispielhafte Simulationsstudien vorgestellt, die den breiten Anwendungsbereich des Modells aufzeigen. Aus den Ergebnissen kann ein erster Überblick über Einsparungs- und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten gewonnen werden. Perspektivisch stellt das Modell eine Grundlage dar, um mittels simulationsgestützter Optimierung optimale Anlagenlayouts und Produktionszeitpunkte zu ermitteln.


Fingernails, tattoos, and iconic photos: Personal branding at the 2024 Olympics

Wiske, Jana (2024)

Olympic Analysis (

A novel approach on artificial aging of nylon 12 powder for laser powder bed fusion

Vendittoli, Valentina; Polini, Wilma; Walter, Michael S. J....

Rapid Prototyping Journal ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print).
DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-12-2023-0430

Peer Reviewed

Purpose - This study aims to address challenges in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion process of polymers, focusing on the considerable amount of unsintered powder left post-printing. The objective is to understand the altered properties of this powder and find solutions to improve the process, reduce waste, and explore reusing reprocessed powder.

Design/methodology/approach - A novel methodology is employed to generate reprocessed powder without traditional printing, reducing time, cost, and waste. The approach mimics the aging effects during the printing process, providing insights into particle size distribution and thermal behavior.

Findings - Results reveal insights into artificial aging, showing an 8.2% decrease in particle size (60.256 - 69.183 μm) and a 9.1% increase in particle size (17.378 - 19.953 μm) compared to unsintered powder. Thermal behavior closely mirrors used powders, with variations in enthalpy of fusion (-0.55% to 2.69%) and degree of crystallinity (0.19% to 2.64%). The proposed methodology produces results that differ from those due to printing under 3% from a thermal point of view. The
new process reduces the time needed for aged powder, contributing to cost savings and waste reduction.

Originality/value - The study introduces a novel method for reprocessed powder generation, deviating from traditional printing. The originality lies in artificially aging powders, providing comparable results to actual printing. This approach offers efficiency, time savings, and waste reduction in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion process, presenting a valuable avenue for further research.


Toward a Digital Empathy Framework: Evaluating User Experience Research Methods

Joosten, J; Hahn, A; Klug, Katharina; Riedmüller, Florian; Totzek, , D. (2024)

Marketing Review St. Gallen 4, S. in Print.

Peer Reviewed

Cost Function Approach for Dynamical Component Analysis: Full Recovery of Mixing and State Matrix

Hüper, Knut; Schlarb, Markus; Uhl, Christian (2024)

Automation 2024, Advances on Automatic Control and Soft Computing von der 15. APCA International Conference CONTROLO'2022 2024, 5(3), S. 360-372.
DOI: 10.3390/automation5030022

Open Access Peer Reviewed

A reformulation of the dynamical component analysis (DyCA) via an optimization-free approach is presented. The original cost function approach is converted into a numerical linear algebra problem, i.e., the computation of coupled singular-value decompositions. A simple algorithm is presented together with numerical experiments to document the feasability of the approach. This methodology is able to recover the mixing and state matrices of multivariate signals from high-dimensional measured data fully.


Continuing vocational training in times of economic uncertainty - An event-study analysis in real time

Dauth, Christine M.; Lang, Julia (2024)

Journal for Labour Market Research 58 (14).
DOI: 10.1186/s12651-024-00373-y

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Metakognitive Urteile: Genese und Förderung

Händel, Marion (2024)

Eingeladener Vortrag im Fachrichtungskolloquium Psychologie der Universität des Saarlandes.

Umdenken beim Verkauf von Business-to-Business-Lösungen: Integration von Marketing, Vertrieb und Customer Success Management

Durst, Carolin; Pöppelbuß, Jens (2024)

HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024, 61 (3).
DOI: 10.1365/s40702-024-01089-w

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Real-Time Data Integration in an Operation-Independent Simulation Model Using a Smart Grid Approach

Stromberger, Julian; Dettelbacher, Johannes; Buchele, Alexander (2024)

Conference on Applied Research in Engineering Sciences 2024, Nürnberg 2024.


This study describes the development of an operation-independent simulation model for an electrified die-casting foundry that uses a smart grid system to meet its energy needs. The model uses real weather and stock exchange electricity price data for the simulation period. The model can be used to determine and compare the cost of electricity for production at a given time (time of day and season) as well as the economics of different PV system and electricity storage options. It is also possible to analyze the share of different energy sources for each configuration. This can be done for sites throughout Germany. In addition, exemplary simulation studies are presented in this paper which demonstrate the wide range of applications of the model. The results provide an initial overview of the potential for savings and optimization. In the future, the model will provide a basis for determining optimum plant layouts and production times by means of simulation-based optimization.

Community-Led Growth als Markteintrittsstrategie für Software-Startups im B2B-Umfeld

Grimm, Ramona; Durst, Carolin (2024)

HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024, 61 (3).
DOI: 10.1365/s40702-024-01076-1

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Die Einrichtung eines wirksamen und rechtssicheren Hinweisgebersystems

Fehr, Stefanie (2024)

ZuRE 2024, 6 (6), S. 31-39.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Servicestelle für Forschung und Transfer (SFT)

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